Thank goodness that I did not think of taking pics of the process, because I made a complete hash of prepping the book. Having removed surplus pages at regular intervals throughout, and divided the remainder into groups for each persons' spread, I tried to stick down the tabs remaining from the removed pages and to stick the groups of pages together. Neither spray adhesive or matt medium were particularly successful, and there are plenty of lumps and bumps.
The new end papers are made from commercial wrapping paper which is a scan of hand made paste paper. Lovely blues with splodges of purple and a brown which goes with the cover paper beautifully. I simply added a C1970s commercial book plate from my stash. One thing I learned: it is natural to start at the beginning and work through to the end, but I wished I had started at the back and worked forwards - the back end papers went on much better having learned from doing the front ones, and of course first impressions count! So next time I will work from the back to the front :)